About Jesus, after His resurrection and ascension, it is said in Rev. 1:14: “He has eyes like flames of fire.” He sees through everything, including everything we have done, said and thought. He sees through everything where we have deceived others and ourselves. According to Rev. 21, 8, all liars will end up in eternal fire, far from God. In Acts 5:1-11 we are told how Hananias and Sapphira fell down dead because they had lied to the Holy Spirit. In an early Christianity where such things could be written and were believed, it is completely unthinkable that the writers of the New Testament lied in the writing of their scriptures. Rather, we must assume that they endeavored to provide, to the best of their knowledge and belief, a reliable and factually accurate description of what Jesus did and said, and what is reported in the book of Acts. This means that the writings of the New Testament must be considered as reliable and excellent historical sources.
This means, on the other hand, that there was no lying in the attribution of the authorship. Provided that one is committed to the truth, it is inconceivable to attribute a writing to an author that was written without the knowledge and permission of the stated author. However, it is quite conceivable that a Silvanus wrote the 1st Epistle of Peter at the request of Peter, and that Peter then read it carefully and accepted and published it as his writing. This would explain that the 1st Epistle of Peter was written in a better Greek than the 2nd Epistle of Peter.
This also means that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke were written before 65 AD and all 4 Gospels were either based on direct eyewitnesses or had first class access to eyewitnesses as associates of apostles. Furthermore, the Gospels were written during the lifetime of hostile eyewitnesses who would have been only too happy to use false reports to disgrace the Christian proclamation as untrustworthy.
This means, among other things, that the 1st and 2nd Epistles to Timothy and Titus were written by Paul, the two Epistles to Peter by Peter and the three Epistles to John by John. Thus, for example, the offices of bishop, presbyter and deacon already went back to the apostles, and the time after the death of the apostles would then only be a phase that faithfully preserved everything given by the apostles, but created nothing new.
The subsections of the section The Bible seen by a historian are: Miracles,Divinity of Jesus Christ, Being shaken by God,lying was no longer possible, The gospels present an accurate picture of Jesus,The letter to the Ephesians, inner unity of the writers of the New Testament
The part history has the section The Bible seen by a historian
The main part world has the parts science and history.
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