2.5 languages

Currently our website is published in the following languages:

German (Deutsch) , English , Dutch (Nederlands) and Swedish (Svenska)

We intend to publish our web site soon in Italian (Italiano). At the moment we publish our newsletter in these 5 languages.

In the longer term we plan to publish our Website also in Thai (ไทย)


Not all files and all pages are available in all languages. Under English, for example, you will find only those songs that we have written in English or translated into English. Newsletters can only be found if they have been published in the respective languages.

For several years we have been using the program DeepL (www.deepl.com) as a great help in translating. Usually we find after a translation done by DeepL only very few things that need improvement or correction.

The main parts of our web site are: we , God ,  world , privacy policy , languages.