ministries of Jesus Christ

In Eph. 4, 11 – 16 it is stated, that Christ, who was exalted after His resurrection, gave the church apostles, prophets, evangelists and shepherds and teachers.

The purpose of these ministries is to build up the Body of Christ so that we may all

  1. come to the unity of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,
  2. to become a perfect person,
  3. grow up into the fullness of the Christ,
  4. no longer to be driven about by every wind of doctrine through the deceit of men and wickedness that leads to error,
  5. but living truly in love and thus growing in everything toward Christ, through whom alone a healthy growth of the church of Jesus is possible.

Who are we if we think we know better than the Holy Spirit what gifts we need! Churches that think they can do without certain ministries that Christ gives must expect to be severely blocked in their growth, to fall prey to error, and to be much less used by God than is actually possible.

One of the ministries to which God calls certain people is the ministry of the missionary.

When you are called to a certain ministry, you should not put off obeying it until later. There are time windows for certain assignments when they can be easily carried out. However, if one misses these time windows, it becomes difficult or impossible to go the commanded way.

The part Christian ministry has the sections gifts of the Holy Spirit and ministries of Jesus Christ.

The main part God has the parts Who is God? , How evil came into this world.What did God do against it? , to live as a Christian , Christian ministry , English Songs.

The main parts of our web site are: we , God , world , privacy policy , languages

Our web site exists now in:  German  (Deutsch) , English , Dutch (Nederlands) and Swedish (Svenska).