In our village for children, children in need are taken into family homes. These family homes are designed to provide a loving environment for the children where they can grow up safe and secure. Each family home is designed to provide space for 8 children who are cared for by 3 couples: A senior couple, a helping couple and an elderly couple.
The senior couple is responsible for the family home.
The helping couple supports the leading couple and learns from the leading couple, first by watching, then by smaller and larger assignments under supervision, until they are finally ready to lead their own family home.
The old couple is in the age of grandparents and complements the work of the other two couples. For an elderly couple with no relatives, this is an excellent way to contribute and live with other generations.
This model seems promising to us for several reasons:
Multiple generations living together in one house, such as grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, and children is normal for rural Southeast Asia. The fact that 6 adults take care of 8 children makes many things much easier, e.g. the mutual help of the adults, or that the temporary absence of one of the adults can be bridged much easier. Very quickly it becomes clear whether a couple is suitable for leadership at all. Above all, training to become a leading couple in this way is very inexpensive and very effective, and can therefore be well shouldered by poor rural communities.
The part vision has the section village for children.
The main part we has the parts Who we are, vision, what happened?, our newsletters, pictures about us.
The main parts of our web site are: we , God , world , privacy policy , languages.
Our web site exists now in: German (Deutsch) , English , Dutch (Nederlands) and Swedish (Svenska).