What happened in 2016?

Sunday afternoon services continued with dedicated participation from the children and youth who come. Reiner held the service and often he preached, occasionally Christine preached as well. We had great joy in preaching the Word of God.

Christine bekam viele Ideen für den Samstag Vormittag, an dem sie Kinder einlud zum Lernen von Englisch, Rechnen, Einkaufen, Backen und Kochen. Den Kindern wurden die realen Preise und Arbeitslöhne vermittelt.

Every two weeks Christine gave out food to families and widows in need.

Christine got a sewing machine and loved working with it. She looked for sponsors for several projects in India and Pakistan, which support poor and outcast women who learn to sew so that they can become self-sufficient and thus help provide for their families.

Reiner was intensively engaged in learning Thai. He worked in consultation with Christine to prepare the foundation we need for our children’s village and other activities. We created the objectives of the foundation and translated them into English and Thai.

Reiner put most of the songs and melodies that God had given us into our website. He translated 2 songs of the YMCA Munich with their permission into Thai, which are now sung with pleasure in the service.

Our vegetable and fruit garden provided us with a rich harvest.

Twice we had two guests each from Germany and a woman from the Philippines in our little white house.

Since we now have two guest rooms in house 3, the guest room in our big house was no longer needed. So we were now able to repurpose it as a clothes, laundry and sewing room, taking a lot of pressure off our pantry and bedroom. This lets us breathe much more freely. Our hall was repainted and got new curtains, and our kitchen was re-tiled and got a new outside door, making it much more pleasant.

We learned that the former mayor of our town was seriously ill. He had invited Christine to stay at his house and had stood by us over the years. We decided to visit him before our planned departure and immediately realized that it was a farewell visit. We thanked him for the good he had done us.

After we had received Reiner’s work permit as a Protestant Christian missionary and our one-year visas again on December 21, we flew to India on December 22 for 4 weeks to visit friends in Rajahmundry in the province of Andhra Pradesh. Through the Internet, Christine had gotten in touch with Mrs. X., whose father had started a work among the Dalits, the lowest and most despised caste in India. Out of this work had grown a number of Christian churches, several sewing schools, and some other work. Mrs. X and her husband run this work and had invited us to visit and stay with them. They had prepared a larger program for us to learn about the branches of their work on the one hand, and on the other hand that we would teach and preach there.

(<= What happened in 2015?) ————– (What happened in 2017? =>)

The main part we has the parts who we arevisionwhat happenednewsletters and pictures.

The main parts of our web site are: we , God ,  world , privacy policy , languages.

Our web site exists now in German and English.