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Welcome to our website!

We, Christine Margarete Hennig and Dr. Reiner Hennig, are a German couple called by God to serve Him in a village in the west of Thailand, Christine since December 2008, we both since September 2010.

On our website you can find the following topics:

we“ There you can learn more about us, our goals and what is important to us.

God“ There we write about God and about life and service as a Christian.

world“. There you can find information about the situation in the 3rd world, about natural sciences and history.

privacy policy“: How we treat the personal data collected bz this web site.

We recently took over our website ourselves, which was previously sponsored by someone else. Therefore, our website is currently a construction site. We are trying to make it beautiful again soon.

Our address:

Dr. Reiner Hennig und Christine Margarete Hennig, 299 Moo 2, Tambon Lum Sum, Amphoe Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi 71150, Thailand


Konto: If no German tax-reducing donation certificate is required: Margarete Hennig, Pax-Bank, IBAN DE16 3706 0193 0036 6760 19

otherwise: Missionsverein Lasst uns gehen e.V., Sparkasse Bamberg, DE27 7705 0000 0810 918227. Note: Missionare Hennig (please be sure to specify!)

This website has the following sections: Start we God world privacy policy

Other languages for this web site: German Netherlands Swedish Italian